How to use Eunit:test() generate a xml file which include some compling info

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I have some erlang file(.erl).And I compile them. Now I want to use some function to generate a xml which is about the compling info of these files.

Here is a address,

In this pdf,There is a function eunit:test/2 which can generate a xml file.

eunit:test([fib, eunit_examples], [{report,{eunit_surefire,[{dir,"."}]}}]).

But i don't know these parameters represent. I just know fib = modulename dir = generate location.What about eunit_examples? ,report? ,eunit_surefire?


There are 1 answers

Xymostech On

I'm not really sure this is the function you are looking for. Eunit is a testing framework, and thus the function


will give you information about any testing functions you have written within the modules.

If indeed you are looking to generate reports on those tests, in XML format, you simply use the form:

eunit:test([MODULES], [{report, {eunit_surefire, [{dir, "."}]}}]).

where MODULES is a list of any modules you want to do testing of, and everything else stays the same (for example, fib and eunit_examples are the two modules that are being tested in the example you gave.)

The report atom says that you want to generate a report, and the eunit_surefire atom says what format to generate the report with. I'm not sure there are any other ways to generate the reports with XML besides using eunit_surefire.