How to use Delphi Form inheritance with environment path

213 views Asked by At

I have some forms I have created in a local directory D:\PsToolBox. I added them to the repository, now when I inherit from them the IDE adds the Base form to the project's file, no problem. I get :

PsListView in 'D:\PsToolbox\Source\View\PsListView.pas' {frmPsList},
Unit4 in 'Unit4.pas' {frmPsList4};

However I code on 2 different computers through version control on BitBucket. The PsToolBox directory is in different locations so I need a common path in the project file. I tried creating an environment variable PsToolBox with the path D:\ToolBox on the first machine and then editing the dpr file path of the base form to

PsListView in '${PsToolbox}\Source\View\PsListView.pas' {frmPsList},

This compiles and runs, however if I try to edit my form I get an error that the system cannot find the file. Also moving between projects in the group triggers the error as well. Closing and reopen same result.

I tried adding the environment path


to both the Tools/Options/Langauge/Delphi/Library Windows32 platform, as well as the project search path. No Joy.

What am I missing? Is this even possible?


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