I have an .dae file and want to use the model in SceneKit. The problem is that the .dae file has different Scene Graphs in it:
In my ViewController.swift I have this code:
let scene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/Edward_Kenway.dae")!
self.baumNode = scene.rootNode.childNode(withName: "???", recursively: true)
What do I have to use in the childNode withName? If I select the first Scene graph (EdwardKenwayNecklace) and put the name of the Geometry (EdwardKenwayNecklaceMesh) in my code the application crashes.
You can loop through the child nodes of the scene and then add them all to a new node that you have made.
Something like this might work, assuming that this is what you are looking for.
where the path is the name of your scene. This function is run after initializing an object of type SCNNode, and then calling loadModel on this object.