I'm trying to create custom pipe on asynchronous pipe, I tried many solutions, but still not working. Here is the snippet of code.
product.sort.ts - custom pipe
import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
name: 'sortByName'
export class ProductPipe implements PipeTransform{
/*transform(values: Array<any>, term:string){
return values.filter(obj => obj.pname.startsWith(term))
transform($value: Observable<Array<any>>, term:string){
(obj) => {
return obj.filter(obj => obj.pname.startsWith(term))
products.component.ts - main component
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { AppService } from '../app.service/app.service';
import { ProductPipe } from '../products.sort/products.sort';
selector: 'products-pg',
template: `
Products List:
<li *ngFor = 'let product of $productList | async | sortByName:"A"'>{{product.pname}}</li>
export class ProductsComponent implements OnInit{
private $productList:Observable<Array<any>>;
constructor(private _service: AppService, private _store: Store<Array<any>>){}
this.$productList = this._store.select('products');
Here, I'm using store for state management, I'm trying to sort by name, so passing "A" as first letter. Since $productList is observable, how to write pipe which handles asynchronous behavior like this, plase help me to solve this.
In case this isn't clear for everyone, it's as easy as...
Notice the brackets
(query$ | async)
already in an async pipe operation.