I'm trying to implement and simulate a network where I can try some routing methods.
My problem is that one of my routing methods is require me to calculate MaxFlow/MinCut.
I have a custom implementation for the edges, where I added some new fields like Capacity. Here is my implementation:
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class MyDefaultWeightedEdge extends DefaultWeightedEdge implements Serializable {
protected int freecapacity;
protected boolean isFeasable;
public MyDefaultWeightedEdge(){
this.isFeasable = true;
protected int getFreeCapacity(){return this.freecapacity;}
protected void setFreeCapacity(int i)
this.freecapacity = i;
protected boolean getFeasable(){return this.isFeasable;}
protected void setFeasable(boolean b){this.isFeasable = b;}
protected Object getSource() {
return super.getSource();
protected Object getTarget() {
return super.getTarget();
protected double getWeight(){
StackTraceElement[] stacktrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
StackTraceElement e = stacktrace[2];//maybe this number needs to be corrected
String methodName = e.getMethodName();
return this.freecapacity;
else {
return super.getWeight();
public String toString() {
return "(" + this.getSource() + " : " + this.getTarget() + ") " + "Weight " + this.getWeight() + " Capacity " + this.getFreeCapacity();
When I try to use EdmondsKarpMFImpl my problem is that the algorithm uses the edgeweight as the capacity.
Question: How can I use my implementation of the edge?
Question: How can I get all of the edges which are in MinCut/MaxFlow ?
There's a lot of different solutions.
and use the graph'ssetEdgeWeight
methods to define the edge's weight. You are free to interpret this weight in whatever way that fits your application.AsWeightedGraph
. This is convenient if your graph doesn't have weights, or, if your edges have more than 1 weight (e.g. both a cost and a capacity) and you want to switch between them.AsWeightedGraph
, but this time using a function as a 'pass-through' to get a specific weight stored on the arcs themselvesgetEdgeWeight
methods. In this example, we use theMyEdge
class from the previous example.There's probably more, but this covers quite a range of different approaches already. Personally I would not implement my own graph class unless I need it for something very specific.