Currently I am working with aws-sdk-go to implementing authentication and authorization using aws cognito.
- In aws-sdk-go there are two functions available one is cognitoidentityprovider another one is cognitoidentity. Which one to use.
- Within cognitoidentityprovider function there is an option to create user pool. but cognitoidentity function not providing function to create user pool. What is the reason for CreateUserPoolClient and CreateUserPool function ? actually IaC tools like terraform or cloudformations are providing the resources to provision user pool. Correct me if I am wrong. I dont think javascript sdk allows to create user pool. If aws-sdk-go allows to create user pool is it working like aws cdk with golang.
- which one to choose between aws-sdk-go or aws-sdk-go-v2
more info:
Hope that helps. A complete example is a work from several hours so I am just can give hints.