How to use Routing to make url friendly

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I have the following pages:

find_provider.aspx --> (has a search which takes the user to each provider page) --> provider.aspx?id={####}
news.aspx --> (has links to each news) --> article.aspx?id={####}
health.aspx --> (has links to each event) --> event.aspx?id={####}
patinfo.aspx --> (has links to each info) --> info.aspx?id={####}

Although the page are easy to remember but not the ID.

For example, in the find_provider.aspx when a search is performed, there are three results which takes to provider.aspx page, each with a unique ID (with more added in the future):

Bolt, John MD --> provider.aspx?id=90
Barry, Brent MD --> provider.aspx?id=1090
Carson, John MD --> provider.aspx?id=10

How can I set up my web site where I an define what each page's ID will be for making it user and search friendly?

For example:

Bolt, John MD --> provider.aspx/johnbolt
Barry, Brent MD --> provider.aspx/brentbarry
Carson, John MD --> provider.aspx/johncarson

Also, the same for the article.aspx, event.aspx, and info.aspx and so on...

I am using Ektron CMS and not a MVC in the backend, if it helps to know.

I looked into Routing but wasn't sure how to implement it as I am totally new to this process.

enter image description here


There are 1 answers

rf_wilson On BEST ANSWER

As you are using Ektron, have you tried using the aliasing feature? This allows for friendly URLs to be created within the CMS. There are different types of aliasing avaiable, please see here for more information.

It is possible to create friendly aliases to a user's profile by creating an Automatic Aliasing rule for Users.

Alternatively, you may be using Smartforms to store information about your Providers. If so, you can create Automatic Aliases for Content by mapping a rule to either your folder structure or a taxonomy.

You can find all these settings in your Workarea here: Settings > Configuration > URL Aliasing. By default aliases are turned off so you will need to enable the alias types you require in the Settings page within the URL Aliasing section.