I am using Glide to load images to my imageView (which are inside a recyclerview):
I see that the Glide library also has a "placeholder" function which gives the ability to load a Drawable to be shown when the image is still being loaded.
On the other hand, for the whole recyclerView, I am using the Facebook Shimmer library to show that the recyclerview is being loaded.
Looking at my app, everything works fine. However, still there is a gap time between when the Shimmer is dismissed (data is fetched) and the image is shown. This is exactly when Placeholder is needed. I am wondering, is there any way to use the Shimmer as Placeholder for the imageView as well? The Placeholder feature in Glide only supports Drawable and the Shimmer is a View.
Is there any way to convert Shimmer to Drawable? or GIF? Or any other suggestion?
Thanks to Mike's comment above: There is a ShimmerDrawable class where you can build a shimmer view as a drawbale which can be used in Glide: