I want specify some parameters of a s-functions using a variable and not using a constant inserted manually.
I have tried to define global variables in matlab and using them as paramaters and it works fine.
Anyway, i want that a variable computed in simulink is used as parameter of an other s-fuction. Is it possible? If so, how can i do it?
One idea was to continue to use global constants in matlab e to update them from simulink but i'm not able to do it because the "to workspace" block transforms them in struct or array and i need a single value.
Edit: To update the variable in the global variable in the workspace is not useful because it seems that simulink read the values at the beginning
The only solution I can think of would be to have the "variable" as one of the input signals to the S-function block, with the signal coming from some other part of the Simulink model where it's computed.