I want to send a file with Scalajs-react and Ajax. The sending part is easy with Ajax.send(requestBody: js.Any)
method in the onSubmit
method of my form
(which I took care to stop the event propagation with preventDefault
). To build the request body I use FormData(event.target)
def f(e: ReactFormEvent) = {
.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest")
new FormData(
Form(onSubmit = e => f(e) >> e.preventDefaultCB)(
FormFile(label = "Input")(),
UncontrolledFormControl(ref = ref, defaultValue = "abc")()
Button(`type` = "submit")("Submit")
Looks good, but for some reason the request body does not contain anything (ex: ------WebKitFormBoundaryAnYzDUdxWxA8hrJR--
) as if FormData
did not manage to retrieve the data from the form.
Here is a printout of the two children of e.target
where we can see that both inputs have a non-empty value
__reactFiber$ipxb5pt9wbi,[object Object],__reactProps$ipxb5pt9wbi,[object Object],_wrapperState,[object Object],__reactEvents$ipxb5pt9wbi,[object Set],value,C:\fakepath\artifacts.zip,_valueTracker,[object Object]
__reactFiber$ipxb5pt9wbi,[object Object],__reactProps$ipxb5pt9wbi,[object Object],_wrapperState,[object Object],__reactEvents$ipxb5pt9wbi,[object Set],value,abc,_valueTracker,[object Object]
Note: When I manually append
items to the FormData
, there are present in the body request.
What am I doing wrong?
Not sure why
new FormData(formElement)
isn't working, but building manually the FormData works. Ex:If only one file needs to be send, one doesn't even need to use
at all. Simply relying on the File API is enough. Ex: