I've a data.frame in R - matches with some 1000+ rows
[1] "name" "c_id" "fname" "lname" "address" "zip_code" "Weight"
[1] 1253
I have a postgresql database table - list_m with following columns
db_name, db_cid, db_weight, processing_status, request_id, fname, mname, lname, etc.
I want to udpate the values of only few columns (db_c_id, db_weight and processing status) in the table using values from the data.frame.
As of now, I am looping over the data.frame to create the update queries and then run the queries.
for(row in 1:nrow(matches) {
query1 <- paste0(query1, "UPDATE list_m SET db_name = ",matches$name[row],", db_weight = ",matches$weight[row],", processing_status = 'MATCHED'
WHERE request_id=111 AND db_c_id = '", matches$c_id[row], "';")
so it basically creates a query1 variable with
UPDATE list_m SET db_name = 'HILLARY', db_weight = 51.41, processing_status = 'MATCHED' WHERE request_id=111 AND db_c_id = '1015310246';
UPDATE list_m SET db_name = 'SANDERS', db_weight = 45.16, processing_status = 'MATCHED' WHERE request_id=111 AND db_c_id = '1015120982';
UPDATE list_m SET db_name = 'OBAMA', db_weight = 67.11, processing_status = 'MATCHED' WHERE request_id=111 AND db_c_id = '1015110111';
UPDATE list_m SET db_name = 'TRUMP', db_weight = 41.22, processing_status = 'MATCHED' WHERE request_id=111 AND db_c_id = '1013024634';
which will then be executed using
dbSendStatement(con, query1)
What I would like is to do this by parameterizing the values.. something like
query2 <- "UPDATE list_m SET db_name=?,db_weight=?,processing_status='MATCHED' WHERE request_id=111 and db_c_id=?";
dbSendStatement(con, query2, matches$name, matches$weight, matches$c_id)
this statement should execute for each row of matches data.frame.
This could be closely approximated using