How to unit test ActionFilterAttribute

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I'm looking to test an ActionFilterAttribute in a .NET Core 2.0 API project and wondering the best way to go about it. Note, I'm not trying to test this through a controller action, merely test the ActionFilterAttribute itself.

How might I go about testing this:

    public class ValidateModelAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            if (!context.ModelState.IsValid)
                context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(context.ModelState);

There are 2 answers


Create an instance of the context pass it to the filter and assert the expected behavior

For example

public class ValidateModelAttributeTest {
    public void Invalid_ModelState_Should_Return_BadRequestObjectResult() {
        var modelState = new ModelStateDictionary();
        modelState.AddModelError("", "error");
        var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
        var context = new ActionExecutingContext(
            new ActionContext(
                httpContext: httpContext,
                routeData: new RouteData(),
                actionDescriptor: new ActionDescriptor(),
                modelState: modelState
            new List<IFilterMetadata>(),
            new Dictionary<string, object>(),
            new Mock<Controller>().Object);

        var sut = new ValidateModelAttribute();


Roland Roos On

Here is a real life example, where I also access the method info and params inside the action filter attribute:

Suppose I have a Controller Method with ActionAttribute like this:

 public class HomeController : Controller
    [FeatureFlagActionAtrribute("user", new String[] { "Feature1" })]
    public IActionResult DoSomethingWithFilterAction(String user)

The http call would be something like this:


Now, I want to test the ActionAttribute FeatureFlagActionAtrribute in such a context.

If you would apply above suggestion to this example, it would look like this (worked for me, at least)

 var methodInfoDoSomethingWithFilterAction = typeof(HomeController).GetMethod(nameof(HomeController.DoSomethingWithFilterAction));
    var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
    var routeData = new RouteData();
    FeatureFlagActionAtrribute FeatureFlagActionAtrributeFilter = methodInfoDoSomethingWithFilterAction.GetCustomAttribute<FeatureFlagActionAtrribute>();
    ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = new ControllerActionDescriptor()
                    ActionName = methodInfoDoSomethingWithFilterAction.Name,
                    ControllerName = typeof(FeatureFlagTest).Name,
                    DisplayName = methodInfoDoSomethingWithFilterAction.Name,
                    MethodInfo = methodInfoDoSomethingWithFilterAction,

    ActionContext actionContext = new ActionContext(httpContext, routeData, actionDescriptor) ;
    var homeController = new HomeController();
    var attribute = new FeatureFlagActionAtrribute("user", new string[] { "feature1" });
    IDictionary<string, object> actionArguments = new Dictionary<string, object>
                    ["user"] = "user1"

    var filterMetadata = new List<IFilterMetadata>() { featureFlagActionAtrributeFilter };

    ActionExecutingContext actionExecutedContext = new 
    ActionExecutingContext(actionContext, filterMetadata, actionArguments, homeController);


Then inside the ActionFilterAttribute:

public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
        ControllerActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = (ControllerActionDescriptor)context.ActionDescriptor;
        Debug.Print($"2. @Before Method called {actionDescriptor.ControllerName}Controller.{actionDescriptor.ActionName}");
        var controllerName = actionDescriptor.ControllerName;
        var actionName = actionDescriptor.ActionName;
        IDictionary<object, object> properties = actionDescriptor.Properties;
        ParameterInfo[] paramsOfMethod = actionDescriptor.MethodInfo.GetParameters();
        var fullName = actionDescriptor.DisplayName;

        var paramNameForKeyOfFeature = ParamNameForKeyOfFeature;

        var arguments = context.ActionArguments;