How to uninstall Bash-it?

11.7k views Asked by At

I'm not quite ready for Bash-it and would like to go back to the original CLI. Any advice on how to remove Bash-it would be awesome. Thank you.

Edit: Would love to know why I'm getting down voted so I don't make the same mistake twice.


There are 3 answers


To change default shell

System Preferences > Users & Groups > click the lock to make changes > right click (or Control click) on current user image > choose "Advanced Options"

You'll then see an option that will allow you to change the default shell. Once you reset the shell it it will change to the selected shell.

enter image description here

This can also be done in terminal with:

sudo chsh shell user

where shell is the shell you'd like to use (zsh,bash), and user in your case is waymond.

If you use iTerm, you'll also have further options for selecting the default shell depending on which shell you'd like to open in a new window. Command + , will get you to these preferences.

I'm not familiar with bash_it specifically as a shell and haven't found any explicit removal tools. Every shell spreads it branches slightly differently so it's tricky to follow another shells removal instructions -- for example Fish: source

nwinkler On

Bash-it now has an uninstall script. To uninstall Bash-it, do the following:

# CD into the Bash-it directory

# Make sure you have the latest version that includes the uninstall script
git pull origin master

# Run the uninstall script

# Remove the ~/.bash_it folder
cd ..
rm -rf $BASH_IT

# Now close this shell and open a new one

The uninstall script will try to restore your previous Bash configuration file (.bash_profile on Mac OS X, .bashrc on Linux).

Once you have run the uninstall script, simply open a new shell and Bash-it shouldn't be used anymore.

Jonathan Mundy On

I wanted to do the same thing. Here's a link to removing bash-it:

I found it by going to the 'Issues' tab on the GitHub repository and then selecting 'Closed' issues.

I used this list of commands from my home directory:

ls -1a

This shows the list of files in the directory, including hidden files. You should see these in the list:

  • .bash-it (the directory you'll delete)
  • .bash_profile (your current bash profile)
  • .bash_profile.bak (your bash profile before installing bash-it)
sudo rm -rf .bash_it

This removes the bash-it directory. You'll be prompted for your password.

mv .bash_profile.bak .bash_profile

This overwrites the bash profile created by bash-it with your original bash profile.

ls -1a

You should now only see this file from the list above:

  • .bash_profile

Then restart your terminal.