I am going to learn YAML data serialization language, and I want to answer these questions based on a YAML script. What would be the right answers?
I have learned some JSON but to differentiate YAML with JSON & to get an idea of YAML I have found this script with these questions.
{% if country('ae') %}
- debug: false
- type: bannerModule
numPerRow: 1
externalexternalLink: true
- linkUrl: https://www.mi.com/en/about/
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_banner-01.png
- type: bannerModule
numPerRow: 2
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/mobiles-and-accessories/mobiles-20905/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-01.png
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/wearable-technology/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-02.png
- linkUrl: "/home-and-kitchen/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-03.png
#linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/mobiles-and-accessories/accessories-16176/bluetooth-speakers/xiaomi?sort[by]=price&sort[dir]=desc"
#imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-04.png
- modules:
- type: bannerModule
numPerRow: 6
titleText: {% if lang('en') %}Shop By Category{% else %}تسوق حسب الفئة{% endif %}
- linkUrl: "electronics-and-mobiles/mobiles-and-accessories/mobiles-20905/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/en_category-01.png
titleText: {% if lang('en') %}Mobiles{% else %}الجوّالات{% endif %}
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/mobiles-and-accessories/accessories-16176/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/en_category-02.png
titleText: {% if lang('en') %}Accessories{% else %}الإكسسوارات{% endif %}
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/wearable-technology/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/en_category-03.png
titleText: {% if lang('en') %}Wearables{% else %}ساعات وأساور تتبع اللياقة{% endif %}
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/television-and-video/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/en_category-04.png
titleText: {% if lang('en') %}Audio Video{% else %}أجهزة الصوت والفيديو{% endif %}
- linkUrl: "home-and-kitchen/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/en_category-05.png
titleText: {% if lang('en') %}Home & Kitchen{% else %}أجهزة المنزل والمطبخ{% endif %}
- linkUrl: "/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_category-06.png
titleText: {% if lang('en') %}View All{% else %}عرض الكل{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if country('sa') %}
- debug: false
- type: bannerModule
numPerRow: 1
externalexternalLink: true
- linkUrl: "/https://www.mi.com/en/about/"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_banner-01.png
- type: bannerModule
numPerRow: 2
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/mobiles-and-accessories/mobiles-20905/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-01.png
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/wearable-technology/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-02.png
- linkUrl: "/home-and-kitchen/xiaomi"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-03.png
- linkUrl: "/electronics-and-mobiles/mobiles-and-accessories/accessories-16176/bluetooth-speakers/xiaomi?sort[by]=price&sort[dir]=desc"
imageUrl: IMAGE_BASE/{{lang()}}_cat-module-04.png
{% endif %}
- What yml condition sets the country selection behaviour of the page?
- For the first banner, how many banners will be shown in the first line?
- What link is set for the Audio Video page?
- What is
, what is this image about? - How many category banners are there in this sample page?
- How many banners are there in the Saudi page?
- Which page is shown to a user when clicking
? - Two links on this yml file are in the wrong format resulting in a 404 page when clicking on the banner assigned to it. Which banners are those?
- One banner is not active in this yml file, which banner is that?