So I am very new to C#, I started learning it a few days ago and I would like to know how you can tweet with C#. I have searched google a lot, looked at some YouTube videos, but they are all old. I found, which has this code:
OAuthTokens tokens = new OAuthTokens();
tokens.AccessToken = "XXX";
tokens.AccessTokenSecret = "XXX";
tokens.ConsumerKey = "XXX";
tokens.ConsumerSecret = "XXX";
TwitterResponse<TwitterStatus> tweetResponse = TwitterStatus.Update(tokens, "Hello, #Twitterizer");
if (tweetResponse.Result == RequestResult.Success)
messagebox.Show("Message Tweeted!");
messageBox.Show("cannot tweet");
I put this code in a button, 'button1', but it doesn't seem to work it pops up a messagebox saying cannot tweet. I have no idea why this is happening. I put this at the top using twitterizer;. I also got my consumer key, consumersecret, token and tokensecret. So I don't know what is the problem, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!
You should use the Twitter Callback. Set that up in the Developer section of Twitter.
Try the following