I have a THREE.Points object consisting of many (10,000+) vertices (a.k.a. particles).
However, I run into performance problems when I try to tween the location of the individual particles. This is expected given that I am using the following code which loops through all the particles and assigns each a tween.
var duration = 500;
for( var i = 0; i < particles.geometry.vertices.length; i++ ){
// http://threejs.org/examples/css3d_sprites.html
var currentVertex = particles.geometry.vertices[i];
new TWEEN.Tween( currentVertex )
x: newVertices[i].x,
y: newVertices[i].y,
z: newVertices[i].z,
duration * ( Math.random() + 1 )
.easing( TWEEN.Easing.Exponential.InOut )
.onUpdate( function(){
particles.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
Is there a better way to approach this?
I do not mind if all the particles are updated in one draw call to their new inbetween positions.
Got it running after chewing on it for a while.
Solution was a combination of using Buffer Geometry (as seen here) and using shaders as suggested by @2pha.
The tweening function was moved to the vertex shader where it was possible to fake per pixel tweening. The various data needed by the tween function was stored in the ShaderMaterial uniforms and BufferGeometry attributes.
Some pseudo code,