I want to create an app to turn on/turn off Android developer mode. This will be on a rooted device. What api's do need to call?
how to turn on / turn off developer mode in Android from app?
2k views Asked by Rookie AtThere are 2 answers

I know i am answering it very late but i will surely help other who are searching on this.
To enable developer options programatically :
Settings.Global.putString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED, "1");
To disable :
Settings.Global.putString(this.getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS_ENABLED, "0");
But to access this Settings.Global... , it requires a permission
But normally , This permission is only granted to system app
You can also grant this permission to user app using ADB
Since you said your app would be running on a rooted deice , so have access to the shell , so you can grant this permission to your app by running the below shell command
pm grant <your.package.name> android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
I don't think it is possible. Since it is part of the Settings.Secure.