I have a CI pipeline configured on Jenkins. When the jobs execute successfully, I want a trigger to pass on to XL Release so that it automatically triggers the deployment process. Is this possible ?
How to trigger XL Release task from Jenkins ? Is it possible?
2.1k views Asked by Ayush At
There are 2 answers

One other approach you could consider is having XL Release drive your CI, by creating a Build / (Provision) / Deploy / Test template. This template polls your SCM, and when kicked off, executes the phases:
- Build Phase: Jenkins plugin to run Jenkins, and store output to variable
- Provision Phase: Some customers have this phase, since they need to run Salt/Puppet/Chef/Ansible type provisioning as part of the overall deployment
- Deploy Phase: XL Deploy plugin
- Test Phase: Kick off any other tests you do as part of the deployment
Some benefits to this approach:
- XL Release gives you visibility / information across the disparate tools used for delivery
- If you include testing in each phase, you can make decisions about proceeding or not during each phase
- You could automatically kick off subsequent releases (to QA, for example) if the entire release passed.
You can also see an example this here XLRelease Provision, Build, Deploy and Test
There's the Jenkins-XLR plugin that you can install straight from Jenkins. In Jenkins, go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins and search for the XL Release plugin.
The plugin page is here: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/XL+Release+Plugin
Some more information can be found in this blog post.