How to transpose an internal table rows into columns?

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I want to transpose my internal table rows into column and i want to fix the first column,i am trying to do it with the following code but i am not getting the expected is not converting all the rows into columns

*Types Declaration
Types: BEGIN OF ty_t001w,
         ekorg TYPE t001w-ekorg,
         werks TYPE t001w-werks,
         name1 TYPE t001w-name1,
       END OF ty_t001w.

**Field Symbols Declaration
 FIELD-SYMBOLS:  <fs1> TYPE any,
                 <fs2> TYPE any.

**Internal table and work area declaration
 DATA: it1_col_row TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_t001w,
       wa1_col_row TYPE ty_t001w,
       it2_col_row TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_t001w,
       wa2_col_row TYPE ty_t001w,
       cline   TYPE sy-tabix.

**Filling internal table with data

Select *
  from t001w into corresponding fields of table it1_col_row
  where ekorg = p_ekorg
  and fabkl = p_fabkl.

**Looping Internal table to display data
 LOOP AT it1_col_row INTO wa1_col_row.
   WRITE: / wa1_col_row-ekorg, wa1_col_row-werks,wa1_col_row-name1.
 WRITE: /.

**Looping internal table to change rows into columns
 LOOP AT it1_col_row INTO wa1_col_row.
   CLEAR wa2_col_row.
   ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-tabix OF STRUCTURE wa2_col_row TO <fs1>.
   cline = sy-tabix.
     ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE wa1_col_row TO <fs2>.
     IF sy-subrc NE 0.
     IF cline = 1.
       <fs1> = <fs2>.
       APPEND wa2_col_row TO it2_col_row.
       READ TABLE it2_col_row INTO wa2_col_row INDEX sy-index.
       <fs1> = <fs2>.
       MODIFY it2_col_row FROM wa2_col_row INDEX sy-index.
**Looping internal table to display
 LOOP AT it2_col_row INTO wa2_col_row.
   WRITE: / wa2_col_row-ekorg,wa2_col_row-werks, wa2_col_row-name1.

There are 1 answers

Stonecrusher On

Notice that the field types of your ty_t001w have different length:

  • ekorg TYPE t001w-ekorg has CHAR 4
  • werks TYPE t001w-werks has also CHAR 4, but
  • name1 TYPE t001w-name1 has CHAR 30

You are using this same type ty_t001w for your source table (it1_col_row) as well as your target table (it2_col_row). So when you are mapping your source rows table to the target columns table then the 30 character field name1 is mapped to the 4 character field ekorg. When I executed your program in my system I had the following output (dependent on the contents of my DB table t001w):

0001 0001 Werk 0001
0001 0002 Werk 0002
0001 0003 Werk 0003
0001 RAD1 Werk RAD1

0001 0001 0001
0001 0002 RAD1
Werk Werk Werk RAD1

At first glance this looks like "it is not converting all the rows into columns". But in the debugger I noticed that "Werk 0001" is actually one value, not two! However the value is truncated to only "Werk" because it is mapped from a 30 character field to the 4 character field. This happens to the bottom value of column 1 ("Werk 0002") and 2 ("Werk 0003"). The bottom value of column 3 ("Werk RAD1") is mapped correctly because here it's mapped from the 30 character field to the 30 character field.

To correct this issue I have created an extra TYPES definition ty_t001w_col for the target table it2_col_row. In this TYPE all fields have the maximum length of 30 characters ensuring no truncation may occur (see abap code below). It generates the following output:

0001 0001 Werk 0001
0001 0002 Werk 0002
0001 0003 Werk 0003
0001 RAD1 Werk RAD1

0001                           0001                           0001
0001                           0002                           RAD1
Werk 0001                      Werk 0002                      Werk RAD1

The corrected report:

REPORT zhd_stackoverflow_q27163908.

PERFORM function
      USING '0001'

FORM function
  USING p_ekorg TYPE ekorg
        p_fabkl TYPE fabkl.

Types Declaration
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_t001w,
         ekorg TYPE t001w-ekorg,
         werks TYPE t001w-werks,
         name1 TYPE t001w-name1,
       END OF ty_t001w.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_t001w_col,
         ekorg TYPE t001w-name1,
         werks TYPE t001w-name1,
         name1 TYPE t001w-name1,
       END OF ty_t001w_col.

*Field Symbols Declaration
 FIELD-SYMBOLS:  <fs1> TYPE any,
                 <fs2> TYPE any.

*Internal table and work area declaration
 DATA: it1_col_row TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_t001w,
       wa1_col_row TYPE ty_t001w,
       it2_col_row TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_t001w_col,
       wa2_col_row TYPE ty_t001w_col,
       cline   TYPE sy-tabix.

*Filling internal table with data

  WHERE ekorg = p_ekorg
  AND fabkl = p_fabkl.

*Looping Internal table to display data
 LOOP AT it1_col_row INTO wa1_col_row.
   WRITE: / wa1_col_row-ekorg, wa1_col_row-werks,wa1_col_row-name1.
 WRITE: /.

*Looping internal table to change rows into columns
 LOOP AT it1_col_row INTO wa1_col_row.
   CLEAR wa2_col_row.
   ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-tabix OF STRUCTURE wa2_col_row TO <fs1>.
   cline = sy-tabix.
     ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE wa1_col_row TO <fs2>.
     IF sy-subrc NE 0.
     IF cline = 1.
       <fs1> = <fs2>.
       APPEND wa2_col_row TO it2_col_row.
       READ TABLE it2_col_row INTO wa2_col_row INDEX sy-index.
       <fs1> = <fs2>.
       MODIFY it2_col_row FROM wa2_col_row INDEX sy-index.

*Looping internal table to display
 LOOP AT it2_col_row INTO wa2_col_row.
   WRITE: / wa2_col_row-ekorg,wa2_col_row-werks, wa2_col_row-name1.