How to translate Makefile statements which involve shell commands to Scons

125 views Asked by At

The following Makefile, untars libcurl, configures it, creates a static library and links to the main program.

How do I do translate it to Scons?

I tried to do something like this but of no avail.

Snippet of a Makefile:


all: $(TARGET)


    cd ./packages; tar jxfv curl-$(CURL_VER).tar.bz2; ln -sf curl-$(CURL_VER) curl; \
    patch -d curl -p1 < ../patches/curl-trace-info-error.patch
    mkdir -p $(CURL_BUILD);
    cd $(CURL_BUILD); ../../packages/curl/configure --prefix=$(CURL_BUILD) \
    --without-libidn \
    --without-libssh2 \
    --disable-ldap \
    --disable-ipv6 \
        --enable-thread \
        --with-random=/dev/urandom \
        --with-ssl=/usr/include/openssl \
        --enable-shared=no \
        --enable-ares=$(CARES_MAKE_DIR) \
    make -C $(CURL_BUILD); make -C $(CURL_BUILD)/lib install; make -C $(CURL_BUILD)/include/curl install;
    mkdir -p ./inc; mkdir -p ./lib
    cp -a $(CURL_BUILD)/include/curl ./inc/curl
    cp -pf $(CURL_BUILD)/lib/libcurl.*a ./lib

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