I'm new to clojurescript and I got a task of creating a filter with toggling list items requirement on click of a plus icon. I have written css to hide when the class is inactive and show when it's active. I just want to know the correct syntax how to toggle the class on click using clojurescript or om-next.
Or is there any way to toggle (empty / fill) the list array on click of sibling / other element (h3).
I have tried something like this.
[:h3 (:name aggregation) {:on-click #(swap! :className "dInline" "dNone")}]
This is the actual code.
(defn render-aggregation
[{navigation-dimension :field :as aggregation} toggle-expanded rendered-filters]
(let [show-expanded? (> (count (:values aggregation)) 8)]
[:li {:key (str "k-" navigation-dimension)}
[:h3 (:name aggregation)]
(cond-> (into [:ul.list-unstyled] rendered-filters)
(conj [:li
[:button.btn.btn-default.btn-xs {:on-click (toggle-expanded aggregation)}
(if (:ui/expanded? aggregation) "show fewer" "show more")]]))]))
Actual result is h3 element should change it's class to "dNone" on click
I can think of two solutions tapping into vanilla JS:
keyword, which apparently is accessible from ClojureScript (see here)I have successfully used method #1 in some of my exercise code, but I'm pretty new to ClojureScript and Web Development in general… please handle my answer with care.