How to test login to google account using CEF + OAuth2?

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I have already asked this question on CEF Forum But unfortunately still haven't received an answer to my question.

According to the Google will apply OAuth2 for sing-in since January 4, 2021. I have tried to test my CEF app for compatibility with OAuth2 according to "Test for compatibility" section from here When I navigated to I simply added Google-Accounts-Check-OAuth-Login:true header to CefRequest in CefResourceRequestHandler.OnBeforeResourceLoad (like described in "Test for compatibility") but nothing has changed, I still could login successfully to google account via CEF browser. After that I opened CEF browser's DevTools via Remote debugging port to check via Network tab the headers of http requests. But the result was that Google-Accounts-Check-OAuth-Login:true header has been added successfully to http requests. So how should I simulate the case that CEF app is considered to be insecure because CEF app is not using OAuth2, when logging in to

Thank you in advance


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