How to tell the if the City is incorrect in OpenWeatherMap api and in android

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I am creating an app which will tell the weather condition of a city using the api. In this app I let user to write a city name and the data will be fetched from the web. But what if the user entered wrong city.

For example if a user entered Lomdon instead of London.

What should I do in that case. The Api I am using is ""+city name

Thanks in advance for the help, I am new to android development.


There are 1 answers


If the city is incorrect your API returns an error message. You can check it like this:


    try {
        String msg = jsonObject.getString("message");
        if (msg.equalsIgnoreCase("Error: Not found city")) {
            Log.e("TAG", "City not found");
        } else {
            // Use the data
    } catch (JSONException e) {

The reason I didn't use cod which looks like the return code, is that if the city is found cod is an int and if it's not found it's a string. Kind of misleading to design the JSON like that.