I'm trying to archive all files (including subfolders and files in them) in the root folder with some exceptions.
Here's the list of the files:
var fileList = [ '**/*', '!archive.zip', '!.sass-cache/*', '!assets/*', '!node_modules/*', '!.bowerrc', '!.editorconfig', '!.gitattributes', '!.gitignore', '!.jshintrc', '!bower.json', '!Gruntfile.js', '!package.json', '!README.md', '!sublime.sublime-project', '!sublime.sublime-workspace', ];
And here's the grunt-contrib-compress
compress: { main: { options: { archive: 'archive.zip' }, files: [ { src: [fileList], dest: 'archive/' }, // includes files in path ] } }
But I can't make it work. Seems that the process is stuck in endless loop and it keeps archiving itself over and over. I tried adding the name of the archive to the exception list, however it didn't help.
How can I get all the files archived from the root folder and subfolders with certain exceptions?
Thanks a lot.