How to take values from an open Access continuous sub form, and "paste" them into another form?

184 views Asked by At

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Okay. Let me try to explain what is happening here.

  1. User will select record in form 1 and click button.
  2. That will open form 2 to a detail form of that record.
  3. User will then select one or multiple codes from Form 2 and click order button.
  4. Form 3 will open with the info from Form 2, but I am having trouble getting the codes to fill in on Form 3. This is where I need help.

Existing code as follows:

    **Form 1 CODE**
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub RequeryForm()
    Dim SQL As String, WhereStr As String
    WhereStr = ""
    If Search <> "" Then
        If WhereStr <> "" Then WhereStr = WhereStr & " AND "
        WhereStr = "LocationID Like ""*" & AccountSearch & "*"""
    End If
    If NameSearch <> "" Then
        If WhereStr <> "" Then WhereStr = WhereStr & " AND "
        WhereStr = "FirstNameLastName Like ""*" & NameSearch & "*"""
    End If
    If CodeSearch <> "" Then
        If WhereStr <> "" Then WhereStr = WhereStr & " AND "
        WhereStr = "Code Like ""*" & CodeSearch & "*"""
    End If
    SQL = "Select * From AMSQuery"
    If WhereStr <> "" Then
        SQL = SQL & " Where " & WhereStr
    End If

    Me.RecordSource = SQL
End Sub
Private Sub ClearSearchBtn_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub OpenDetailbtn_Click()
    DoCmd.OpenForm "Form2", , , "LocationID=" & Me.LocationID
End Sub

Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub SetDefaults()

    AccountSearch = Null
    NameSearch = Null
    CodeSearch = Null

End Sub

**Code For Form2**
Private Sub ExitBTN_Click()
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form2"
End Sub

Private Sub OrderILbtn_Click()
    DoCmd.OpenForm "RequestForm", acNormal, , , acFormAdd
End Sub

**Form 3 Code**
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

'Private Sub IncNumber_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
    'If Not (Me!IncNumber = "IncNumber" Or (Me!IncNumber <> 11) Or IsNull(Me!IncNumber)) Then
    'MsgBox "The Incident Number entered is less than 11 characters."
    'Cancel = True
    'End If
'End Sub

Private Sub CloseFormBtn_Click()
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "Form3", acSaveYes
    DoCmd.SelectObject acForm, "Form1"

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Forms!RequestForm!Account = Forms!Form2!LocationID
End Sub

Private Sub SaveBtn_Click()

    If IsNull([Account]) Then
        MsgBox "You forgot to add a Y account.", vbOKOnly, "Missing Y account Warning!"
    DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
    DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
    End If
    'ILRequestID = "IL" & Right(Year([DateAndTimeRequested]), 2) & Format(Month([DateAndTimeRequested]), "00") & Format(Day([DateAndTimeRequested]), "00") & [EntryID]
    End Sub

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