How to supress display of \n after input in c++?

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I have written a simple FORTH-like interpreter where I get input a line at a time and process it like this:

std::string line;

while (!std::cin.eof()) {
    std::getline(std::cin, line);
    std::istringstream input(line);


    // some work

And if I input 5 5 + . <enter> it displays like this:

5 5 + .
10 ok

But what I would like it show is:

5 5 + . 10 ok

In other words a newline should be accepted to mean end of line input but it should not be echoed to std::cout.

Having done some reading it seems I will not be able to achieve this in std c++ (is this true?) but I can use the functions in the termios library to set up the console this way on a POSIX system without messing with other console functions such as ctl-c handling etc. I haven't figured out exactly how though. Can anyone show me the way?


There are 1 answers

Ahmet Yusuf Yatkın On

You can Use VT100 Escape Sequences for customising console output (VT100 ESC SEQUENCES). in this case;

use \033[1A for go 1 line up, \033[nC (n is int value) to Go n letter right