How to store relational (one to many or many to one) data with Amplify iOS (AppSync)?

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today checking some of the amplify documentation (I know this one says it is a preview in the iOS scenario) but I have ran into a road block.


  1. Amplify is correctly configured in my iOS project. I can push data to Person and query the Amplify.API
  2. The schema has been defined as:
type Person @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  possessions: [Thing] # list of things this person owns.
    @connection(keyName: "byPerson", fields: ["id"])

type Thing @model
           @key(name: "byPerson", fields: ["personId"]) {

  id: ID!
  name: String!
  personId: ID!
  ownerOfThings: Person # defining the 'belongsTo' property.
    @connection(fields: ["personId"])

This generates the following code:

public struct Person: Model {
  public let id: String
  public var name: String
  public var possessions: List<Thing>?

  public init(id: String = UUID().uuidString,
      name: String,
      possessions: List<Thing>? = []) { = id = name
      self.possessions = possessions

public struct Person: Model {
  public let id: String
  public var name: String
  public var ownerOfThings: Person?

  public init(id: String = UUID().uuidString,
      name: String,
      ownerOfThings: Person? = nil) { = id = name
      self.ownerOfThings = ownerOfThings

Here is where I ran into trouble. Amplify.API doesn't seem be saving my object and its associated data in a single mutation. I have to call it as nested operations to have an effect.

// sample on how I am trying to save data.

var thing = Thing(name: "Long Claw")
let person = Person(
  name: "Jon Snow",
  possessions: List([ thing ])

Amplify.API.mutate(of: person, type: .create) { ev in
  // doing something with the event.
  print(String(describing: ev)) // this works. It saves the instance to DynamoDB
  // unfortunately, it did not save the instance of thing... let's try to correct this.

  thing.ownerOfThings = person
  Amplify.API.mutate(of: thing, type: .create) { ev2 in
    // do something else with this...
    print(String(describing: ev2))
    // this ^ crashes badly...

The code above will generate an output similar to:

Result.success(Person(id: "EC4BEEE1-C1A1-4831-AB86-EA1E22D8AD48", name: "Jon Snow", possessions: nil))

GraphQLResponseError<Thing>: GraphQL service returned a successful response containing errors: [Amplify.GraphQLError(message: "Variable \'input\' has coerced Null value for NonNull type \'ID!\'", locations: Optional([Amplify.GraphQLError.Location(line: 1, column: 26)]), path: nil, extensions: nil)]

I've tried declaring the relationship as:

type Person @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  possessions: [Thing] # list of things this person owns.
    @connection(keyName: "byPerson", fields: ["id"])

type Thing @model
           @key(name: "byPerson", fields: ["personId"]) {

  id: ID!
  name: String!
  personId: ID!
  # ownerOfThings: Person
  #   @connection(fields: ["personId"]) # Not belongsTo for you!

Or a variation of this, defining the possessions as possessions: [Thing] @connection.

All of them generate various (although some what related) errors, preventing me from storing my data.

So, the question is: How do you specify the relationship in iOS to save it?


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