I am currently trying highlight values between square brackets {} inside of SQL strings using a Textmate Grammar injection in vscode. This is being done through an injection grammar. (the support.class is a placeholder name)
"repository": {
"parameters": {
"name": "support.class",
"match": "\\{[^}]*\\}"}
However this isn't matching as the SQL quote character (') stops it from tokenizing the brackets. I would be able to get around this if I were to implement something like this
"sqlQuoteInject" : {
"name": "string.quoted.single.mtx",
"begin" : "'",
"end": "'",
"patterns": [
"name": "support.class",
"match": "\\{[^}]*\\}"
This works to highlight everything inside the brackets but the ' end quote is for some reason being read as a begin quote. This means it is effectively impossible to end the quotations resulting in the entire document being highlighted as a quote.
The SQL grammar I am injecting to is another custom grammar that just uses "include" : [source.sql]
Eg. A file with the text
'abc' 123
Would highlight 123 as being a quote as the c' counts as the start of a quotation.
Any suggestion would be helpful.