I'm trying to write a dart binary application and link in C code with it.
I read the documentation and I understand how to do the actually ffi at runtime
final lib = ffi.DynamicLibrary.executable();
final VoidFunc greet = lib.lookup<ffi.NativeFunction<CVoidFunc>>('greet').asFunction();
but I don't understand how to statically link my C Code into the build process because I don't want to have to distribute a binary as well as a separate shared library.
Any advice would be helpful and thanks in advance
Hi give a look at this maybe it will help you solve this problem [dart:ffi][1]
[1]: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/platform-integration/c-interop ,also you are using right the DinamicLibrary , i dont think that it will be helpful but why not you give it a try , chane executable and add process().