I'm trying to create GitHub personal access tokens programmatically using the endpoint https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token and a GitHub App, following the device flow and code exchange.
The creation seems to be working fine and gets a response with the token However, our account has SSO integration, and this requires all tokens to be authorized by the SSO in order to work, so the token receives a 404 response for any call to our private repositories, which I believe is related to the lack of SSO authorizing it
I can't find any documentation specifying how to authorize tokens generated via the API
IMPORTANT: I know how to authorize tokens generated via the Github Web UI, I'm talking about tokens generated via the API endpoint https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token device-flow, with code exchange! Those tokens are not available at the UI and I cannot find how to authorize them
Any idea on how to solve it?
This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but you need to use user
GitHub clone repo with fine-grained personal access tokens (PAT)