I have the following problem. I have n (typically n = 1000) data points (integers from {1,2,3}, so there are a lot of repeting numbers) and a real number d. I have to choose k<n points (k is given) which minimize the distance between the mean of those k points and point d. This can be expressed as a MILP problem (please see here).
I tried to solve that in R using lpSolve and Rglpk packages but it takes a lot of time to solve it (I tried to solve it for n = 100 points and the code has been running for 40 minutes already). I guess the issue is that there are lots of binary variables (n) and there are also repeating numbers.
sampsize <- sample(c(1,2,3),size=100,replace = TRUE)
k <- 50
d <- 86/47
lngth <- length(sampsize)
f.obj <- c(1,rep(0,lngth))
f.con <- matrix(c(0,rep(1,lngth),-1,sampsize/k,1,sampsize/k),nrow=3, byrow = TRUE)
f.dir <- c("==","<=",">=")
f.rhs <- c(k,d,d)
f.types <- c("C",rep("B",lngth))
res <- Rglpk_solve_LP(obj=f.obj,mat=f.con,dir=f.dir,rhs=f.rhs,max=FALSE,types=f.types)
I will be satisfied with a sub-optimal solution. Is there a way to solve it quickly or re-express the problem in a certain way to speed up the algorithm?
I would appreciate any input on this.
CVXR is a much better tool for this: