How to speed up image viewing with android "Cooliris" gallery?

535 views Asked by At

I'm running 2.3 on a Nexus S (but writing code against 2.2), and it takes forever for an image to display in the default cooliris gallery. This is how I am attempting to display an image:

Uri imageIdentifier = getImageUriOnFilesystem();
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setDataAndType(imageIdentifier, "image/jpeg");

In the end, it takes 5-10 seconds for the gallery to go from a black screen to showing my image which is absurdly long and makes me think I'm doing something wrong. Is there a better way to display an image in the gallery without requiring a different gallery be installed?


There are 1 answers

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You can add new images to the media index as you acquire them, which may may reduce the startup time of the gallery application.

Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE);