I'm looking forward to use NeoJ4 for some researchs. However I have to check if it can do what I want first.
I would like to build a graph that says :
StatementID1 = Cannabidiol hasPositiveEffectOn ChronicPain
StatementID1 isSupportedBy Study1
StatementID1 isSupportedBy Study2
StatementID1 isNotSupportedBy Study3
This is easy to add key:Value properties to a relationship in NeoJ4.
The difficulty is that I want Study1,2,3 to be nodes. So that these can have them own set of properties.
This can be done in a triplestore where each triple has an ID like "Statment1" here. This is a matter of adding triples where the object is another triple ID.
url:TripleID1 = url:Cannabidiol url:hasPositiveEffectOn url:ChronicPain
url:TripleID2 = url:TripleID1 url:isSupportedBy url:Study1
url:TripleID3 = url:TripleID1 url:isSupportedBy url:Study2
url:TripleID4 = url:TripleID1 url:isNotSupportedBy url:Study3
For the moment I can't find how to do it simplely in NeoJ4.
I could add the DOI of the study as a property :
Study 1 :
Then add the same DOI in the link :
Since the DOI is unique it could be possible to make some searchs. However this will make things much more complex.
Is there a simpler method to achieve that?
I suppose this is a database design issue.
Would a node/relationship model something like the following fit your data and make your queries easy?