How to sort keys only with same values?

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For example, i have a dictionary:

Edern 38
Pellam 34
Ban 32
Lionel 30
Geraint 30
Brangaine 28
Erec 28
Guiron 28
Fisher 28
Elyan 28
Segwarides 26

In this case output will be:

Edern 38
Pellam 34
Ban 32
Geraint 30
Lionel 30
Brangaine 28
Elyan 28
Erec 28
Fisher 28
Guiron 28
Segwarides 26

i want to sort keys with the same values in alphabetical order, but don't touch elements with different keys? How to realize this?


There are 2 answers


If you represent your name-number pairs as a list of two-item tuples, you can use groupby to clump similar-numbered items together, and sort each group internally without affecting group order.

import itertools

items = [
    ("Edern", 38),
    ("Pellam", 34),
    ("Ban", 32),
    ("Lionel", 30),
    ("Geraint", 30),
    ("Brangaine", 28),
    ("Erec", 28),
    ("Guiron", 28),
    ("Fisher", 28),
    ("Elyan", 28),
    ("Segwarides", 26)

result = []
for k,v in itertools.groupby(items, lambda item: item[1]):

print result


('Edern', 38), 
('Pellam', 34), 
('Ban', 32), 
('Geraint', 30), 
('Lionel', 30), 
('Brangaine', 28), 
('Elyan', 28), 
('Erec', 28), 
('Fisher', 28), 
('Guiron', 28), 
('Segwarides', 26)

...And if you really need these items in dict form, you can make an OrderedDict out of them, like so:

from collections import OrderedDict
d = OrderedDict(result)
inspectorG4dget On

It seems that you want to sort by decreasing numeric value. So this should work for you:

d = {'Edern':38,

# build a dictionary that maps the numbers to all the keys that have that value
scored = {}
for k,v in d.items():
    if v not in scored:
        scored[v] = []

for k in sorted(scored, reverse=True):
    for v in sorted(scored[k]):
        print("{} {}".format(v, k))


Edern 38
Pellam 34
Ban 32
Geraint 30
Lionel 30
Brangaine 28
Elyan 28
Erec 28
Fisher 28
Guiron 28
Segwarides 26

Of course, there's a one-liner for this:

for k,v in sorted(list(d.items()), key=lambda t: (-1*t[1], t[0])):
    print("{} {}".format(k, v))


Edern 38
Pellam 34
Ban 32
Geraint 30
Lionel 30
Brangaine 28
Elyan 28
Erec 28
Fisher 28
Guiron 28
Segwarides 26