So I have a stack exceeding 500 resources and found out this serverless plugin which splits stack according to the several configurations.
Below is my configuration for splitting the stack. Upon using the below configuration I was able to split the stacks in 2. with that I also got the warning Serverless: Recoverable error occurred (TooManyRequestsException: Rate exceeded
nestedStackCount: 2 # Controls the number of created nested stacks
perFunction: false
perType: false
perGroupFunction: true
To resolve the API rate limit I used resourceConcurrency property as below
nestedStackCount: 2 # Controls the number of created nested stacks
perFunction: false
perType: false
perGroupFunction: true
resourceConcurrency: 20 # Controls how much resources are deployed in parallel. Disabled if absent.
Upon deployment, I received following error
ServerlessError: The CloudFormation template is invalid: ValidationError: Circular dependency between resources: [GetAllUsersLambdaFunction,.....
is there any workaround to resolve this issue? Is resourceConcurrency even in a working state?