How to shutdown a Tomcat's instance that wont shutdown?

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I'm trying to use a new installation of TomEE as a local server in Netbeans but there's another instance of Tomcat that will never shutdown no matter how many times I kill the process using task manager.

I know that Tomcat is installed properly because when I visit


I see Tomcat's home page. But the problem goes way beyond that. When I change the port number in Netbeans, TomEE creates another instance on the exact same port number and the IDE throws me the error: Tomcat could not start: XXXX port number is already in used.

Example: I change the port 8080 to 8085. When I go in my browser, I can now see Tomcat's home page on http://localhost:8085/ AND ALSO on http://localhost:8080/. TomEE will run as many instances as I change ports and never allow NO port to be used but in the browser I can see Tomcat's home page...

What is causing this? How can I stop this from happening? I have tried many things suggested by BalusC here and none of what he suggested helped me.

I restarted my computer many times but every time I run Netbeans, history repeats itself. I'm using the .zip version of TomEE Plume. I unpacked the files in C://. There is no other instance of tomcat neither there is another server installed in that directory. I removed all others (GlassFish, Wamp and Tomcat 8.0.2). There is only TomEE now.


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