How to show top 10 most frequent tags in Grafana, using InfluxDB as data source

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I am trying to show top 10 most frequent tags in Grafana, but I can't make it. The schema of my measurement (which is called mymeasurement) in InfluxDB is as follows:

timestamp | value | mytag
time_1    | 1     | tag_1
time_2    | 1     | tag_2
time_3    | 1     | tag_1
time_4    | 1     | tag_3
time_5    | 1     | tag_2

where value is the field in InfluxDB, and mytag is the tag.

Now, I can show all the tags with times of their appearance using the following query in Grafana:

SELECT count(value) FROM mymeasurement WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY mytag

But when the measurement get larger and larger (with more and more tags), Bar Gauge in Grafana shows all the tags, which gets annoying over time. I tried to use this query to get top 10 tags:

SELECT top(mycount, mytag, 10) FROM (SELECT count(value) AS mycount FROM mymeasurement WHERE time > now() - 1h GROUP BY mytag)

It looked great in the command line influx tool, but in Grafana it shows two meaningless bars. How should I address this problem?


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