How to show math equations with DDoc?

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I'd like to use math equations in documentation using DDoc. What's a good way to make it look good?

Something like:

 * Returns x + sqrt(2).
double add_sqrttwo(double x) {
    return x + sqrt(2);

There are 3 answers

Richard Andrew Cattermole On

I'm afraid DDOC itself cannot do this. You will have to use e.g. Javascript to accomplish this or pre-generate them as images.

Adam D. Ruppe On

If you are targeting HTML, there's a few options, though none are ddoc per se: you can link to an image with the formula (<img src="...">), you can put tags around it and process later (whether a post processor in your generation step or a Javascript library on the web), or you can try to write MathML in the document ...

You might also try using various unicode characters like returns X + √2 but that's also pretty limited.

But all of these are working around ddoc, not with it. ddoc just can't do it on its own.

johan On

You can import MathJax, and then put the math in-between \( \) or \[ \].

An example:

* Macros:
* DDOC =
* <!DOCTYPE html>
* <html lang="en-US">
* <head>
* <script type="text/javascript" async src=""></script>
* <title>$(TITLE)</title>
* </head>
* <body><h1>$(TITLE)</h1>$(BODY)</body>
* </html>

module example;

import std.math;

 * Jay! \( a + \sqrt{2} \)
 * You must prefix parameter names with an underscore: \( _x + \sqrt{2} \).
double add_sqrttwo(double x) {
    return x + sqrt(2.0);