How to share easylogging++ logger between executable and shared library?

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I have a CMake project that consists of a library sub-project and another sub-project that builds an executables and links it against that library.

Right now inside a source file of my library (currently the only place I'm logging anything) I need to use INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP (otherwise I get the typical unresolved externals linker error). Since I am loading the easylogging++ configuration from a file in my main() I also need to put a INITIALIZE_EASYLOGGINGPP there. From the documentation of easylogging++ this is correct since these are two separate translation units.

I am including both the header and source files ( and easylogging.h) to both targets:

Library project


  ${SRC} # Contains my own source files for the library

Executable that links against the library


This results in multiple log files (probably because of multiple loggers?). I am using a default configuration taken from the git repository:

   FORMAT               =  "%datetime %msg"
   FILENAME             =  "playground.log"
   ENABLED              =  true
   TO_FILE              =  true
   MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE    =  2097152 ## 2MB - Comment starts with two hashes (##)
   LOG_FLUSH_THRESHOLD  =  100 ## Flush after every 100 logs
   FORMAT               = "%datetime{%d/%M} %func %msg"

In the binary where my executable runs I get playground.log but also myeasylog.log with the latter containing log output from my library.


In the code below following namespace aliases are defined in core.h for consistency purposes:

  • project::core::logging - for the el namespace (easylogging++)
  • project::core::configuration for the nlohmann namespace (JSON)

In addition I am using JSON for loading the runtime configuration of my project. Currently it contains only

  "logging": {
    "info": "Absolute or relative path to the easylogging++ configuration file. Refer to for more information",
    "configuration_file": "logging.conf"

with logging.conf already listed above as the configuration for easylogging++.

Executable that links against the library - main.cpp

#include <core.h>
#include <iostream>


int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    // TODO Globally configure all loggers to use the same easylogging++ configuration file

    std::ifstream configFile("..\\projectconfig.json");
    project::core::configuration::json config;
    configFile >> config;
    project::core::logging::Configurations loggingConfig(config["logging"]["configuration_file"]);
    project::core::logging::Loggers::setDefaultConfigurations(loggingConfig, true);

    //std::string path = config["logging"]["configuration_file"]
    // Library related calls and data
    int devIDMaxMem = 0;
    int devIDMaxCudaVersion = 0;

    auto res = project::core::cuda::listCudaDevices(devIDMaxMem, devIDMaxCudaVersion, true);

    return 0;

As you can see I've tried using setDefaultConfigurations(), configureFromGlobal() and reconfigureAllLoggers() but without any success.

I am thinking of loading the configuration inside my library too (for every translation unit) but this is ugly and I am hoping wrong due to a better solution being available.


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