I want to setup tern-vim in my project and followed this link https://github.com/ternjs/tern_for_vim/blob/master/doc/tern.txt. After installation, I created a .tern-project file under the root directory of my project as below.
"libs": [
"loadEagerly": [
"plugins": {
"requirejs": {
"baseURL": "./",
"paths": {}
When I open a js file by vim command, I can't use any tern command as below:
|:TernDoc|...................... Look up Documentation
|:TernDocBrowse|................ Browse the Documentation
|:TernType|..................... Perform a type look up
|:TernDef|...................... Look up definition
|:TernDefPreview|............... Look up definition in preview
|:TernDefSplit|................. Look up definition in new split
|:TernDefTab|................... Look up definition in new tab
|:TernRefs|..................... Look up references
|:TernRename|................... Rename identifier
I will get Not an editor command
error. Do I need to do any other configuration?