How to setup AWS ECS + dockerfile-maven-plugin?

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I am trying to setup my project's pom.xml and Maven's settings.xml to automate the process of generating a Docker image and pushing it to my AWS ECS private Docker repository.

In my pom.xml, I added the dockerfile-maven-plugin and configured it as follows:


Per the instructions given by dockerfile-maven-plugin, I need to add configurations for my ECS server authentication, but I don't know what username / password I need to provide. I doubt it's my AWS login user/pass.


Also, any suggestions to automate this Docker image generation / pushing to my repo in a better way are welcome.


There are 3 answers

Govind Kalyankar On

I did not configure anything in my maven settings file. I usually login using below command

$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region my-region)

then I run the maven commands (docker commands are embedded as a part of maven goals) and it works fine.

For your reference , This is my pom file setup using docker plugin

               <!--  <serverId>docker-hub</serverId> -->
Romain Prévost On

To login on ECR, you must use the AWS command-line to generate a docker login command, and then login your docker daemon with it. I don't think this use case is handled by any docker maven plugin.

What I do on my project is login my docker daemon before doing the push :

logstring=`aws --profile my-aws-profile ecr get-login --registry-ids my-registry-id`

This manual step is required in my case because we have a single AWS account that is secured with a hardware token that generate one time use codes, but it is not a problem, since we only need to do it once a day (ECR login lasts for 12 hours), on the days we deploy to ECR (as opposed to those where we only test locally).

So the solutions:

  • Login manually to ECR, so that your docker pushes work without needing to login from maven.
  • Add a login step that scripts the external login directly in your pom
  • Try AWS CodePipeline to build your code directly when you commit, and deploy to ECR (what I recommend if you are not otherwise restricted)

Have fun!

Cepr0 On

To build the docker image and push it to AWS ECR with Spotify dockerfile-maven-plugin you should:

  1. Install amazon-ecr-credential-helper
go get -u 
  1. Move it to some folder that is already in the execution PATH:
mv ~/go/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login ~/bin/
  1. Add credHelpers section to ~/.docker/config.json file for your Amazon ECR docker repo ID:
  "credHelpers": {
    "<ecr-id>.dkr.ecr.<aws-region>": "ecr-login"

(on Windows remove line "credsStore": "wincred",, if it exists, from this file)

  1. Check that ~/.aws/config has your region
region = <aws-region>

and ~/.aws/credentials has your keys

aws_access_key_id = <id>
aws_secret_access_key = <secret>

(More info...)

  1. Add Spotify dockerfile-maven-plugin to your pom.xml:


          <!-- Docker image mastering -->
  1. Make sure that Dockerfile exists, for example:
FROM openjdk:11-jre-slim
WORKDIR /service
COPY target/service.jar service.jar
ENTRYPOINT exec java -server \ \
-jar service.jar
  1. Build and push the image with one command:
mvn package