Currently I am doing something like this
wb = xlsx_package.workbook
wb.styles do |s|
head_cell = s.add_style :b => true, :alignment => { :horizontal=> :center }
empty_cell = s.add_style :bg_color => "808080"
wb.add_worksheet(name: "Export") do |sheet|
sheet.add_row ['Modulverantwortliche','Dozenten', 'Modultitel', 'CP', 'SWS', 'Sommer/Winter'], :style => [head_cell, head_cell, empty_cell, head_cell, head_cell, head_cell]
foo = getUserDetails()
foo.each do |l|
modul = l[:object]
turnus = ""
if modul.semester_id == 1
turnus = "s"
elsif modul.semester_id == 2
turnus = "w"
turnus = "s/w"
sheet.add_row [ modul.modultitel, modul.modulbeauftragte, modul.lehrende, modul.creditpoint, modul.sws, turnus]
Now I need to set width for first and second column. How can I do that?
With column_widths function.
Here you can see the function
And here you can see the docs
The code is some like
EDIT: Good point of @asdlfkjlkj: you must call column_widths AFTER adding data, otherwise the width will not be set successfully