How to set stickerSize in MSStickerBrowserViewController

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When I create a MSStickerBrowserViewController subclass by embedding it in a container view (using a storyboard) as the documentation suggests, I appear to have no opportunity to set the stickerSize. The Sticker Browser VC is initialized with init(coder:), and I have no way that I can see to override the get-only property stickerSize. I can only get stickerSize = MSStickerSize.regular.

I don't see any control in interface builder to configure the property either, though the documentation says "You can also customize the size of the stickers inside the browser."

Thanks to shallowThought, I see that an initializer is available init(stickerSize: MSStickerSize) on MSStickerBrowserViewController, but so far I have been unable to find a way to trigger that initializer when using a storyboard and overriding the required init(coder:) initializer.

Am i missing something?



There are 2 answers

shallowThought On

You can set it when initializing.

From Apples documentation.


init(frame: CGRect, stickerSize: MSStickerSize)

Creates a new sticker browser containing stickers of the specified size.


init(stickerSize: MSStickerSize)

Creates a new sticker browser view controller with stickers of the provided size.

To subclass it, implement the corresponding initializers.

I can not see a way to call init(stickerSize: MSStickerSize) by somehow chaining init calls from required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder), so you might have to instantiate the viewControllers programmatically.

bunnyhero On

This worked for me: I added stickerSize to the "User Defined Runtime Attributes" section of the Identity Inspector.

In this example, PetStickerBrowserViewController is a subclass of MSBrowserStickerViewController. stickerSize is set to 0, which corresponds to MSStickerSize.small.

At runtime, when the view controller is instantiated from the storyboard, its stickerSize property is set to .small. Use 1 for .regular (the default), and 2 for .large.

enter image description here