How to set spacing in Frangi filter for 3D stack of DICOM data

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I am using the Frangi filter for hepatic vessel segmentation. The problem is that that data are not isotropic [1,1,1]. I can do resampling. It creates more slices but it looses pixels and its not so precise.

I found, that maybe I can change it directly in the Frangi function (skimage function) in the script where the Hessian function is computed. But even then I don't know which values I should set up as spacing.

Because now I have some results, but they are not correct, because I am computing with squeeze image in z-direction.

Thank you for your help.


There are 1 answers

Juan On

By my reading of the code, currently it is not possible to use a different scale (sigma) for the different axes — we assume the same sigma is used for each axis. It should be possible to improve this in a future version. You can create a feature request at I suggest that you link back to this question when creating it.