I develop web part with custom editor part and faced with this question.
Is it possible in web part set Personalizable attribute to generic List?
For example I want something like this:
public List<AnnouncementItem> Announcements
get { return _announcements; }
set { _announcements = value; }
Is it possible, and what kind of types at all can be used as "Personalizable"?
I use a custom EditorPart to select multiple lists using AssetUrlSelector
, but I need a way to personalize this collection for end user.List<of custom objects>
doesn't work, but I found that List<string>
(and only string) work perfectly. So, I get required lists in EditorPart and pass their to the web part using List<string>
Try using a custom EditorPart to add/remove items from the collection. I've never built a web part that personalized a collection so I don't know if it works but I'd definitely try the collection with an EditorPart. If it doesn't work, serialize XML into a string property.