I am attemptin to generate a smoothened polar plot with winddirection, wind speed, and pollutant concentration using ggopenair package in R, which is based on ggplot2 plotting. ( https://github.com/jack-davison/ggopenair ) However, I am unable to customize plot appearenace. I want to get rid of the outermost circle. No matter what limit I choose it the plotting fuction extends it. Also, I want change orientation of key.header (which is the colorbar label). The plot I am getting:enter image description here
I went through the ggopenair documentation and tried annotate and theme functions but it's not working.
plt <- ggopenair::polar_plot(mydata, pollutant = "nox")
plt +
ggopenair::theme_polar(base_size = 13,base_family = "Times new roman" ) +
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_blank(),
plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
axis.line.x = element_blank(),
axis.line.y = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(color = "black"),
legend.background = element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(color = "black"),
legend.title = element_text(color = "black"),
panel.ontop = TRUE,
text = element_text(family = "Times new roman"),
) +
scale_y_limitval(marker_values = 24, marker_linetypes = 1, limits=c(0,24),breaks = seq(0, 24,4))+
ggopenair::scale_opencolors_c(limits=c(0, 400), scheme = "turbo") +
seq(0, 24,4),
direction = "NW",
labels = seq(0, 24,4),
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks.