I don't want players to be able to click a button twice, so I'm trying to set the 'interactable' property of buttons to false when a player clicks on them. I don't want to individually define button objects for all the buttons because I'll have a varying number of buttons in different scenes, which would be inefficient. How can I set the 'interactable' property to false when a player clicks it (without individually defining each button) ?
public string password = "1234" ;
public GameObject circle;
public int circleCounter;
public int correctCounter;
public void Update()
public void circleSpawner()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && circleCounter < password.Length)
Vector3 mousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
mousePosition.z = 10;
GameObject newObject = Instantiate(circle, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity,transform);
public void correctPasswordClick()
if (correctCounter == password.Length)
Debug.Log("correct password");
I hope that I've understood your problem correctly; But in order to get every object of a certain type in Unity at the current scene, you may use
and then you can simply iterate over the returned objects using Linq or simple loops to manipulate them as you want.