I have a Scaffold with a NavHost as its content. NavHost host 2 screens. One screen contains the bottomNavigationBar and another screen doesnot.
How can I display create a snack bar that can be used globally which is displayed at the bottom of the screen if no bottomNavigationView is there but adds a bottom padding of height = bottomNavigationHeight if the screen contains bottomNavigationView?
Below is my main content:
fun MainScreen() {
val navController = rememberNavController()
val scaffoldState = rememberScaffoldState()
scaffoldState = scaffoldState
) {
NavHost(navController = navController, "first") {
composable("first") {
composable("second") {
My first screen.
// No bottom navigation
fun FirstScreen() {
Text("Hello World")
My second screen:
// Contains bottom nav
fun SecondScreen() {
Scaffold(bottomBar = { MyBottomBar() }) {
Now, I can use CompositionLocal to send snackBarHostState from scaffold state to all my screens. But, I want first screen to display the snack bar without bottom padding and second screen to display the snack bar with padding for the bottomNavView.
How can I achieve the dynamic position of snackBar??
P.S. This is a simplified version of my issue. I have about 6-7 screen for my MainContent and many screens for the screen with bottom nav.
I think you can follow this article: https://www.devbitsandbytes.com/configuring-snackbar-jetpack-compose-using-scaffold-with-bottom-navigation/
First you can create a
composable:Then handle the
in bothFirstScreen
like that: