I have "Müşteri siparişinden müşteri siparişine nakil kaydı" text from HTEXT.
HTEXT is a 25-character field you know. But when I use "WRITE" command, it writes "Müşteri siparişinden müşteri siparişine nakil kaydı".
I changed my code for ALV. Then it shows me text as "Müşteri siparişinden müş" in ALV.
"Müşteri siparişinden müş" text has 25 character as you see.
How can I change data length which is shown on screen?
I search the my problem but I couldn't integrated my own code. My code is below.
TABLES : mseg, mkpf, zrapor_mseg_mkpf_alv .
CONSTANTS : gc_alv_item_table TYPE slis_tabname VALUE 'GT_ALV' , "ALV itab name
gc_program_name LIKE sy-repid VALUE 'ZRAPOR_MSEG_MKPF_ALV' , "Program name
gc_structure_name LIKE dd02l-tabname VALUE 'ZRAPOR_MSEG_MKPF_ALV'. "Structure name
DATA : gt_alv TYPE TABLE OF zrapor_mseg_mkpf_alv WITH HEADER LINE .
DATA : gt_flcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv . "Field Catalog is defined
DATA : gwa_flcat LIKE LINE OF gt_flcat . "Field catalog's work area
DATA : gwa_flcat2 LIKE LINE OF gt_flcat .
DATA : gs_alv LIKE LINE OF gt_alv .
FORM make_field_catalog .
i_program_name = gc_program_name
i_internal_tabname = gc_alv_item_table
i_structure_name = gc_structure_name
ct_fieldcat = gt_flcat
inconsistent_interface = 1
program_error = 2
DELETE gt_flcat WHERE fieldname = 'SOBKZ'.
Mmm, is a very strange behaviour because the ALV grid should show the entire value. Well, as I don't see any more than the code in your post I think you've coded a field catalog (or not) where you specify the length you want to be displayed. Something like this:
Or maybe the variable you're using in the structure for ALV is 25 length long. Check it or post your code to see what happens.