I want to set bulk_insert_buffer_size variable for insert. I searched from other pages too, all they are saying about my.cnf. But there is no my.cnf in my system. I checked my.ini and there is no such variable there.
I also tried through command line -
SET GLOBAL bulk_insert_buffer_size= 268435456;
It shows -
1 queries executed, 1 success, 0 errors, 0 warnings
Query: SET GLOBAL bulk_insert_buffer_size =1024*1024*256
0 row(s) affected
Execution Time : 0 sec
Transfer Time : 0.001 sec
Total Time : 0.002 sec
but on running -
I am getting the same(old one) -
Variable_name Value
bulk_insert_buffer_size 8388608
Please let me know if I am doing something wrong. I am using Mysql 5.5 version. Thank you.
confusing. it is not changed in GLOBAL, but changed in SESSION. I also use MySQL 5.5, CentOS, 64Bit. anyway if you want set this value permanently, add `set bulk_insert_buffer_size=256M' and restart.
MySQL manual says
can be modified while MySQL running (Dynamic Variable
ly changable.UPDATED
is changed via GLOBAL, It seems that not affect SESSION variable (still confusing). To see, use "SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLE", "SHOW VARIABLES" implies "SHOW SESSION VARIABLES"